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How to Shop at SPH Online Bookstore?

  1. Choose your SPH Campus:
    SPH has 5 campuses:
    Lippo Village (LV) | Sentul City (SC)Pluit Village (PV) |

    Lippo Cikarang (LC)  | Kemang Village (KV)

    Each of the campuses has different bookstore items. To start shopping, choose your SPH campus in shop menu options. Or if you know the item you would like to shop for, you can search through the search bar. 


  2. Add to Cart: 
    Add to cart all items that you would like to purchase. Please check again to make sure you are purchasing the right product with the right size. 

  3. Checkout:
    Do a final check before doing the checkout. No refund is allowed after purchase, please read more in our Shopping Policy.
    Please write in the note which SPH campus you are shopping for.


  4. Complete Your Information: 
    After clicking Checkout, you will be asked to fill in your information, please make sure that all information is right and correct. This will help us to contact you and process your order. 

  5. Payment: 
    After completing your order process, our bookstore staff will receive a notification, and the SPH campus you are shopping for will contact you to confirm your order and inform you of the payment details. Complete your payment through bank transfer to your SPH campus's bookstore.

Got Questions? Contact us.

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